░░    Fold   to   Center
three books in unfolded box
open box of books

Feminisms of the Upper Air, 2019, writing, design, and collages, paperback and digital books, Are Not Books, open deluxe edition, Fold to Center. Editing by Jon Boggs. 3 volume artist's book, 102 + 86 + 50 pages, 7.5 x 7.5 inches. Deluxe edition housed in a custom laser cut box (prototypes above and below) and includes a mini pocket of laser engraved charms (below). Interior previews for each book at Are Not Books.


Feminisms of the Upper Air, volume 1, explores the symbolic uses of the feminine in world religion and mythology, as well as art, literature, and philosophy. Its aim is to locate wisdom and value across examples of the eternal feminine. This collection is presented as a multiplicity, a gathering of spiritual feminisms that hover above an ungendered earth.


Skirting Invisible Subjects, volume 2, is a walking essay in eight parts, plus twenty-five fictionless fictions on religion, misogyny, and gender. An idea-field of #ChurchToo, partnership cultures, women priests, liberation theology, dating apps, hyper-masculinity, abortion polls, marriage, divorce, self-betrayal . . .


Mandorla-Modes of Transport, volume 3, is a visual meditation on feminine typologies and a compilation of ecstatic collage-work. As womb-space, heavenly surround, throne, and canopy, the mandorla is a gateway between two worlds. It is the almond-shaped hull and vessel that navigates waters beyond the sea and clouds beyond the sky.

three individual books
open box of books
open box of books
laser engraved charms
box spines
feminisms of the upper air cover
skirting invisible subjects cover
mandorla-modes of transport cover



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